We will be reading "Pictures of Hollis Woods" throughout the next couple weeks. Please see below for themes we will be discussing, vocabulary words from the novel, and a link to discussion questions (to come soon) to guide you through your reading. Enjoy!

Major Themes:

Ch. 1-3
iridescent (p. 23, 32)
jetty (p. 23, 24)
mangy (p. 7)
marquee (p. 34)
sable (p. 33)
skittered (p. 16, 24)
trundled (p. 30)

Ch. 4-8
adobe (p. 46)
composition (p. 44, 62)
frenzied (p. 77)
groping (p. 66)
lingering (p. 41, 42)
maneuvered (p. 57)
perspective (p. 44)
stanchions (p. 53)

Ch. 9-13 (to p. 125)
abominable (p. 107)
boughs (p. 106)
earnest (p. 99)
ecstatic (p. 110)
hoisting (p. 83)
incorrigible (p. 124)
indentation (p. 104, 108)
lurched (p. 108)
mottled (p. 94)
perspective (p. 94)
rummage (p. 85, 99, 113)
scurried (p. 82)
silhouettes (p. 89)

Ch. 13 (p. 125)-end of book
cascading (p. 140)
contented (p. 166)
dusky (p. 134)
encrusted (p. 127)
feisty (p. 165)
fractured (p. 137)
gouged (p. 144)
patters (p. 165)
pulsing (p. 134)
turret (p. 135)

Hollis Woods Study Guide

The test will be on Tuesday, October 12. Be ready to answer both multiple choice and short answer questions based on the information on the study guide.
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Memoir Narrative Project

After editing the narrative, you will be creating an online book. You have a several options to creating one of these online books. Some of the websites ask for parents to create an account if their child is under age 13. So, we have to play around with some of these things.

Remember, our goal is to be creative. Yes, I'm giving you options for creating the books. But, it is up to you to animate, add pictures, details, and tell your story in a way that represents you.

See the attached documents for the rubric and narrative options.

Also, when you are ready to submit, you can share your link with me or save your finish product and submit it to our class dropbox via http://drop.io/CripeLA. Just be sure your name is in the document title somewhere so I know whose story I am reading.

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